NO TITLE YET!!!! The game!!!!!!!

Wich i saldy probably will never finish :(

I realy hope i at least get a demo working...


lorum ipsum or something like that im to lazy to go copy it from somwere XD

Very hopefull question:

I sadly am not an artist myself (well not a good one and deinitly not good egnouth for what i desire...) and id love to have some god looking art for the game but ill be real i cant do that so if you want to help with some art for free wich the knowlage there is a hight propability itll never be realesed (i know this condistions are dogshit and i expect no one to do this but i just needed somethig so the page isnt so empty) BUT if you for some reson want to help me feel free to mssage me on discord or amail me atThis email adressof couse credit will be more tha given and i would be forever thankfull and yes of course i could just use "AI" but i am heavaly eganst using ai to replace creativity based jobs like writing, Drawing and any other creativly expresive job.